Quilty QuickTakes provide short-form analysis on the latest developments in the space sector as they unfold.
Click on any QuickTake below to enjoy these complimentary, five-minute reads.
What does Anduril’s solid motor gambit mean for space?
What does Anduril’s solid motor gambit mean for space?
Rivada CEO drops some financing crumbs ahead of RRB decision
Rivada CEO drops some financing crumbs ahead of RRB decision
LeoStella’s plight shows how the U.S. is a hard market for European satellite manufacturers
LeoStella’s plight shows how the U.S. is a hard market for European satellite manufacturers
Why Europe never committed to satellite servicing until now
Why Europe never committed to satellite servicing until now
Axiom helping to "glow-up" NASA's spacesuit game
Axiom helping to "glow-up" NASA's spacesuit game
Another milsatcom program that forgot the ground segment
Another milsatcom program that forgot the ground segment
Is DoD finally warming to satellite services?
Is DoD finally warming to satellite services?
EU follows UK’s dubious pattern of scrutiny over Inmarsat-Viasat merger
EU follows UK’s dubious pattern of scrutiny over Inmarsat-Viasat merger
NATO’s space center for excellence moves forward
NATO’s space center for excellence moves forward

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