Quilty QuickTakes provide short-form analysis on the latest developments in the space sector as they unfold.
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Re-Arm Europe: Space Implications
The EU paper does not list space as one of its “seven priority areas,” but does detail several ways EU space assets could be leveraged to support Ukraine.
Momentum builds for GEO satellite servicing
Northrop Grumman’s 2017 docking of a Mission Extension Vehicle (MEV-1) with an Intelsat satellite was a watershed moment for in-space life extension…
Why Small Launch Startups are Hot for Hypersonics
An overview of U.S. launch startups that expanded to additional markets or pivoted away from space launch. Credit: Quilty Space
SpaceX flight rate continues to climb
If SpaceX achieves VP of Flight Kiko Dontchev’s recently established goal of another 26 launches by the end of the year, the company will not only notch a new record, but set the stage for an even higher flight rate in 2025.
A new era of GPS competition
in September, the U.S. Space Force selected four companies – Astranis, Axient, L3Harris and Sierra Space – to submit design concepts for a layer of “Resilient GPS” (R-GPS) aimed at producing smaller, more affordable spacecraft to supplement the existing GPS system.
A smallsat thruster shortage – how we got here
Supply chain fragility has been a perpetual challenge for the satellite industry, often centering on subsystems and components for which there are very few suppliers.
SDA needs a spiral development plan for user terminals
SDA needs a spiral development plan for user terminals
DoD’s ULA Dilemma
What Quilty Space identified as a risk for Amazon’s Project Kuiper two years ago is now a concern the U.S. military shares.
Will pLEO become a nation-state obsession?
In years past, small countries often financed geostationary satellites under the auspices of national sovereignty.
DIU got a bucket of cash. Now what?
In a year marked by budget atrophy at NASA, NOAA-OSC, and the Space Force, the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) was a notable outlier.
Raytheon’s Strategic Pivot from Prime Time
Defense News officially confirmed a long-circulating industry rumor. Raytheon is done chasing SDA prime contracts.
What does an NRO LEO constellation mean for the EO sector?
After watching startups launch dozens to hundreds of small imaging satellites in Low Earth Orbit, the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office is getting in on the action.
Major space players likely largest beneficiaries of Japan’s new $1T Yen fund
On March 12, Japan’s cabinet approved a 10-year fund of $6.7 USD billion (1 trillion yen) to promote satellites, space exploration, and transportation.
OSAM-1 Fallout: Lessons from a Troubled Program
On March 1, NASA terminated a $2 billion program to create a refueling satellite, the On-orbit Servicing, Assembly, and Manufacturing 1 (OSAM-1).
Continuing Resolutions and Sequestration Flashbacks
f “space is hard” is the industry’s favorite adage, the runner up cliche is that we have a “do nothing Congress.”

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